2022 WJA Events

Prison and Poetry: Jorge Nuñez’s Unexpected Road to the Arts
“I was fascinated by that little bit of his story and reached out to him, wanting to know how a former teenage gang member became a published poet and playwright, and he was kind enough to share his story.” –

Terms of Confinement Video and Talk Back- Terms of Confinement was filmed during the pandemic and features formerly incarcerated actors and musicians; some of who were incarcerated during the pandemic.

Art Behind Bars: Writing Your Way to Freedom
The Crime Report interviews Deborah Tobola (Teaching Artist/Site Coordinator at CMC) and a couple of Prison Arts Project Alumni.

7th Annual Arts In Corrections Student Art Show: PELICAN BAY STATE PRISON
This exhibit is displayed at the Del Norte County Courthouse in Crescent City CA and it showcases the students artwork created this year.

Peter Merts’ new book: “Ex Crucible:The Passion of the Incarcerated Artist”
Ex Crucible show incarcerated men and women creating artworks with a talent, passion, and authenticity that illuminate the humanity of the artists. These intimate photographs demonstrate the importance that creativity can have in these bleak, controlled spaces.

Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration Symposium
Laurie Brooks, Executive Director, and Heny Frank, Communications Administrator, were part of two different panels for this symposium. Prison Arts Project Alumni Gary Harrell and Ronnie Goodman have pieces in this exhibit.

Episode 51: Wayne Cook-A Dream Recalled
Wayne Cook is currently on the William James Association Board and a Site Coordinator for Solano State Prison and was interviewed for the Change the Story/Change the World podcast

We Shall be Free, We Shall Find Peace exhibit, hosted by The Minnesota Street Project, invites the viewer to connect with the silent voices and expressions of an often unseen and forgotten community. Featuring Prison Arts Project current students and alumni from the program.

The O. Smith Perspective exhibit, hosted by the Manna Gallery, features 3 series of graphic artwork created by Prison Arts Project participant, Orlando Smith who is currently incarcerated at San Quentin.

Ruben Radillo/Designing Creative Futures Interview Ruben Radillo is a returned resident, a former Prison Arts Project participant and was chosen for the Designing Creative Futures internship with the California Lawyers for the Arts.

Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration Exhibit explores the impact of the US prison system on contemporary visual art. This exhibition highlights artists who are or have been incarcerated alongside artists who have not been incarcerated but whose practices interrogate the carceral state. This exhibit has Prison Arts Project Alumni artists, Ronnie Goodman, Gary Harrell and Henry Frank.

Life & Life documentary recounts, Prison Arts Project Alumni, Reggie Austin’s path to parole and how he meets the challenges of life on the outside. This documentary was in last year’s End of Year, but makes a repeat because Reggie was part of the Discussion sessions that happened in Los Angeles CA and Tiburon CA.

He Had Wings (2022) is a short documentary film about former Prison Arts Project Alumni artist Ronnie Goodman, homelessness and the streets of San Francisco.

Prison Arts Project Panel, hosted by the San Francisco Public Library, three Prison Arts Project Alumni made up the panel, Chanthon Bun, Isiah Daniels, and Henry Frank who spoke about how the arts helped them during their incarceration and after release.

Panel: Brothers in Pen, Readings and Discussion, hosted by the San Francisco Public Library, five Prison Arts Project Alumni made up the panel, Watani Stiner, Kenny Brydon, Lawence Pela, Joe Krauter, and Thedo Butler who spoke about how their writing helped them during their incarceration and after release.